My name is Freja, and I am a 24 year old woman. I live in the scandinavian country Denmark with my beloved boyfriend.
Finding creativity and joy in toys, have helped me in alot of ways. Letting my inner child loose, have made me feel much more like myself. And I often feel the creativity flowing, when I play with my dolls.
Besides toys, I allso collect frog figures. Frogs are my favorite animal, and my collection have been growing through manyy years.
The toys I had as a child
Lego belville, was prbably my favorite toy. I used hours playing with it, I created a whole world and tons of stories around the characters.. My favorite thing about Belville, was the dolls. I loved that they were verry poseable, with joins in the elbows, knees and ankels. I allso liked that there were both adult and child dolls, which made it easy to play family.
I allso really liked playing with my dolls. My favorite Barbie, was the 1995 "working out" Barbie. I loved her because, she was more poseable than my other dolls. I allso have a speciel memmory of getting "Jewel hair mermaid" Migde for christmas when I was 3.
Among my barbies I had 4 Kens and 2 Stacies (I know I had "Flashlight fun" Stacie", so I had a nice collection for roleplaying.
Besdies Barbie dolls, I allso had a small collection of Betty Sphagetti.
Giving up my dolls and Lego when I was 12, was not something I wanted to do. My mom kept pushing it, saying that I didnt play with my toys annymore. And I did not know how to tell her, that I did still play, because I knew that I was not suppose to.
How I started collecting as an adult.
In the summer of 2011 I was sick with depression, and had been with my boyfriend for around 3 month. I remember visiting him, and cuddling with him on the sofa. As I was laying in his arms, I told him how much I missed my old toys. He said he didnt see why, I couldent have my old toys back. I tryed to explain to him how I felt it wouldent be okay, because toys is for children. He couldent really see my point, and he said it didnt matter what other people thought and that I should do what I wanted. He allso said that I could just COLLECT lego, that it woulden't be much different than collecting stones, trains and other things like that. He really gave me something to think about.
One day when I was out grocery shopping, something caught my eyes. It was a Hello kitty Mega block set, this one had a car and a garage. At that time I thought all hello kittty stuff was super cute. I debated a little with myself, but I decided that I could do whatever I wanted to do. I was kinda proud of myselvf, because it was a really big step toward doing what made me happy. I slightly remember, being exited about building the set. But I think it was mostley because, I finally did what I felt like doing. I liked the mega blocks set, but it was lacking what I really wanted. I wanted smaller blocks and poseable dolls with diffrent hights - I wanted my LEGO Belville back.
I kinda knew that lego would not be making annymor Belville, It seemed like they were stuck. I was a little bummed about this. But in the end the dolls in the newest Belville set, didn't have as many joints as the older dolls - So I werent too sad about it.
My boyfriend suggested to me, that I could buy used Belville onlie. As I had never bought annything online before, he guided me and I found a big lot of used Belville. In the lot was some sets I have had as a child and loved, and there were sets that I had wanted. He went with me to pick it up, and I was super exited about it. I bought a few other sets, and my LEGO world started to become what I have been longing for.
In the spring and summer of 2012, I working verry hard toward getting better. But because of a bad exsperience, I had a setback in the fall. My world collapsed, and I felt like all my hard work was wasted.
Getting my lego back, had sparked my longing for the barbie dolls I used to have.
And I decided that it was a good time, to finally get dolls back into my life. But I knew I didnt want it to be barbie dolls, because there were too much that had annoyed me about them as a child. I started looking for for the doll, that would be right for me. It was verry thought to decide, there were so many dolls I knew nothing about and so many dolls that were not sold in Denmark. I dicovered that none of the fashion dolls, sold in Denmark was what I wanted. I thought about choosing moxie girls because I think they are super cute, and at that time it looked like ( judging from the toy stores homepage) a few of them was sold in Denmark. But I knew moxie girls would fall short, with their lack of joints and peg feets. As I learned more about Liv dolls I felt like they were the dolls for me, but as I discovered that they had never been sold in Denmark - I became unsure.
After a good talk with my boyfriend, I decided that it weren't a thing that was gonna stop me. And with his help, I ordered my first liv doll from amazon.uk.
And that is just the beginning....
That is such a lovely story in that you got your childhood toys back! My mom never discouraged me and my sister and I kept 1 doll each - mine was kept with her hand knitted clothes. My mom knitted or sewed the clothes and I only got this baby doll when I was 12 years old - most of my cousins were younger and okay with it but my older siblings teased me. Anyway I to felt something missing in my life while studying and then discovered Liv dolls. The eyes, hair and poseability are so cute.
SvarSletI love that you renamedd your dolls and customised them! I also wish Jake was cheaper!
Best of luck with your gardening, doll collecting and your personal obstacles. Your boyfriend sounds wonderful and supportive. Meg
Hi Megan, im verry sorry that I havent answered you coment before now. As I wrote in my latest blog post, I have felt kinda stuck.
SletThank you for your sweet words, im glad to hear that youw mom never discuraged you. Im happy that you enjoy liv dolls too, they are wonderfull. My boyfriend is verry supportive, he is talking about building me a dollhouse :D im so exited.
I hope you had a wonderful holiday and a happy new year.