tirsdag den 22. januar 2019

Sad toy news

Some people say that 2018 was a bad doll year, I don´t know abut that. While my collection was kind of put on hold due to a lack of money, I don´t feel like that have been a bad thing. I have been delighted to see the new Barbie made to move dolls and I allso think some of the new dolls this years like hairdorables and boxigirls are quite cute. I have allso discovered a great (danish) company that make wonderfull doll furniture and accessories, but I will talk more about that in another post. 

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It was late last year that the bad new started rolling in. In december, Top toys, the company that own Toys R us in scandinavia, went bankrupt. They allso owened the danish toy chain Fætter BR. I have been trying not to let it get to me, but it was a big blow to my toy loving heart. There were a Toys R us close by, that I loved going to, it was something that would allways make me happy. The whole closing down of the stores have been pretty abruptly, and I allready miss going there to look at their big selection of toys. As a kid I used to go to the Fætter BR toy stores very often, on vaccation at my grandparents, I went there alot with my brother. The stores are alot smaller than Toys R us but they have a lot of charm and still nice selection of toys. When I started collecting toys as an adult, it was Fætter Br stores I went to the most, I spend a lot of time looking at the wall of dolls, I never bought any thought. I should not despair about the cloosing of these stores, there are other toy stores I enjoy, and there are other smaller toy chains that might exspand now that the big guys are gone. But I am sad about it, and I really hope Fætter Br will make a comback in some way. The good news is that the Fætter Br brand was bought by another company, now I just have to wait and see what they will do with it.
A few years ago a toy store i liked, located in the city, closed down. It was the store where I bought my fist and second Paola Reina dolls, and I contiued buying clothes for the dolsl in that store. I was a bit sad but allso okay with the stor closing because I had other toy stores I enjoyed going to. It allso turned out that another toy store had bought the place, and I like that store as much as the other even though they don´t sell Paola Reina dolls, they do sell some other nice stuff. 

But that store is small, if I want to go to a bigger store, there is one half a hour away. Driving half an hour is not too bad, but my boyfriend and I don´t really have any other buisness in that town, so we don´t go there often. I allso worry that there are too much I wan´t to buy when we get there, since I have experienced before that they have a nice selecting of stuff not in Toys R us that I wan´t. I really have to be careful not to spend too much money on toys, and I feel like I shoudl be ready to spend when I go to that store, and I am not allways ready to spend. Last time I wanted to go there and talke dwith my boyfriend about it, we ended up not going, which I am a bit dissapointed about. I kept feeling unsure if it was ok for me to spend money, and I was allso a bit busy at the time so it was difficult for me to actually put off time to go there - and I am pretty sure my boyfriend forgot about it. This is something I really hope to chnage in the future, I might have missed some great stuff and nice moments in that store just because I could not put myself together to go there. 

Then Tonner dolls announced that they were closing, and I was dissapointed. I am not a big collector of Tonner dolls, I only have two. But I have been admiring their dolls for years, and I was really hoping they would make new dolls I would want to buy. I was very optimistic with their Outlander and Fantatsic beast line,  it is a bit difficult for me to swallow that there won´t be any more dolls. Maybe I should be relived that I won´t be spending money on exspensive dolls, but I was dreaming of having just a few more collectors dolls to display in a pretty glass cabinet in the living room. Now I wonder if the glass cabinet I am planning on buying for my Tonner dolls will look empty. I might look for some Deja Vu Lady Arabella dolls on Ebay, maybe the Lord of the rings dolls as well, but it won´t be the same as falling in love with a new doll. I will keep an eye on Robert Tonners new company, Phyn and Aero, some of the dolls look interresting but noting I really like. I am a very picky doll collector so I don´t really think they will make any dolls I will fall in love with. 

On another note my favorite doll blogger quitted blogging. I followed The Toybox philosopher since I started collecting, she have allways had the best reviewsa and I loved learning about and falling in love with new dolls thought her posts - I will greatly miss her post. I love reading doll blogs, but a lot of thosed I used to follow don´t blog annymore, and I have less energi to read blogs these days. On youtube some of the people I follow for toy videos have allso stopped posting and it is very difficullt for me to find new people that I wan´t to follow.   

Despite all of this sadness, I am actually pretty positive that I will have a nice doll year in 2019, but I will talk more about that in another post. 

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