mandag den 28. marts 2016

Birthday gifts

My birthday was the 24 march, I had a great day with family and I got some great gifts. I dont wish for toys, but i get money that I use to buy toys for myself. 

The week before my birthday we actually went to the toy store, that carries Paola Reina dolls and clothes + shoes for them. I just wanted to see what new stuff they had gotten, and I didnt have the intention to buy annythin - I didnt have enough money left in my biuget to buy annything. But offcors they had an outfit I REALLY wanted, it was one that I feel in love with when I saw it in the Paola Reina catalog. I thought it was abit exspensive, but I could see why since there was alot of pices, and there was allso shoes with it - uselly the shoes have been sold seperate. My boyfriend notice my strugle to decide wheather or not to buy it, and he sid he think I should sinec I will probably get birthday money. I could feel with ,myself that if the outfit was gone the next time I visited the store, I would regret not buying it now. 

I put the outfit on Emma, an dI think she looks super cute. The outfit contains a white shirt, a dress, a blue cardigan, glasses, two red hair ties, white undies, a pair of black socks and black flat shoes - not the once she is wearing in the picture though. 
I really wanted a pair glasses for my dolls, and they had a school girl outfit that came with glasses. But I didnt feel like, I would get good use of the outfit. When I saw this new school goirl oufit in the katalog, I liked it much better and I could see myself useing it alot - especially because it has so many pieces.

A few days later my boyfriend and I went to Toys R us. They had 25% off on all LEGO sets, but again I didnt intend to buy annything. They had the creator mini cooper displayed, I have had my eye on that car for a while and I really wanted it. With the 25% off, the price went fom 800 kr to 600 kr, so that was a great deal. My boyfriend suggested that he bought it, and then I could give him half later - that was another great deal. 

A little while after we got home, he called his dad who said he would pay half. So it ended up being a really great gift, from my boyfriend and his dad. I feel so spoiled.
That same day I build the car with my boyfriend, it was alot of fun and we had a great time. I love building LEGO, and this car is so great with lots of awesome details.

One of the reasons why I wanted the mini copper so badly, is that I thought it might be in scale with my Belville dolls. The fit is not perfect, but its pretty decent.  
I have ALOT to say about this car, so I will made a seperate post for that.

Then the mail man delivered a package, containing this doll. I had ordered her when my boyfriend told me, that his mom would give me birthday money. I had my eyes on her for a while. She was being sold at a greaty price, and from England so shipping was not too exepensive. I started to worry somebody else might buy her, so when I got the news that I would get money, I bought her right away.

I did end up getting alot of birthday money, soem of it I used to finance what I had allready bought, but some of it I havent used yet. I feel like I have bought alot of toys this month, so I wanna take a small break before I buy something new. But there are alot of things In want, and next month is right around the corner. 

onsdag den 9. marts 2016

Snow pictures and hats

Its actually quite some time since I took these snow pictures, it was laste November as far as I remeber. I havent shared them earlier, since I hoped for an opportunity to take some more. We actually had quite a mild winter, it was a bit weird. And now its spring, so now more snow.

Offcors I took Emily out in her new jacket. She is allso the only one of my girls, that really love winter and snow. 

I personally really like this picture, she looks so facinated with the snow. 

I allso took Rebecca out, she looks so pretty. But I had some problems with the light.

Playing in the snow is fun, so they started building a little snowman. I really like this picture, but it bothers me that it looks like Emilys hat is falling off.

But when it comes to hats, I found something interesting in the grosery store. 

There is this campagn in Denmark, where the small innocent smoothies get cute knitted hats. My first thought was offcors "these might fit amy liv dolls" so I bought two smoothies, with different sized hats. 

This one match Emilys jacket perfectly, but its a little small. I wonder if it would fit a Barbie doll.

This one is a bit big, but I think it looks better on her than the smaller one. And it does match the jacket okay, I mean it dosent have to match perfectly.

Offcotrs I really wanted to buy a few more. I went for one that would match the pink jacket. This one fits perfectly, and it really matches the jacket well.

Matt loves hats, so I got him one too. I choose a yellowish orange one (its more orange in real life), since thoose are his favorite colors. This one fiots perfect as well.

I thought about getting more, but I domt really care for the smoothie - im more of a juice girl. I was really just buying them for the hats, and I started to find it hard to choose.