lørdag den 3. maj 2014

Hearts for hearts girl Dell

I haven't talked about Dell yet, because I have had alot of mixed feelings about her. 

Dell when I got her. 
I bought Dell used, with different clothes than her original and no shoes. She is in excelent condition, didnt have any marks on her body, soft hair and the cutest face. I was afraid that when I got her she wouldent feel right because she is bigger than my liv dolls and have less joints. But she felt right and I really liked her. 
The only thing bugging me was that I think her hair is too long and I wish she had come with her original clothes. 

Then after 1-2 weeks I realized that I dont spend time with her, because I dont find her fun to play with. With my liv dolls I often pick them up, look at them, pose them and redress them. But I dont feel like doing that with Dell, when I really try to spend time with her she just sits there and I stare at her face. 
Im actually starting to feel like she is too big and not  poseable enough. 
I have thought that maybe if she got a friend and some more clothes, I wouldent feel this way. 
On one hand I know how important it is for me that things fit together, and maybe Dell really needs another doll her size to interact with. On the other it seems stupid, "Im not sure this doll is right for me so I better buy more of the same kind" yep solid logic. 

How I feel about her changes, first I loved her, then I started feeling that maybe she werent right afterall, then I felt that she was great she just needed a friend and now I mostley feel that It wont work with her. 
I quess one of my problems is that I have allready come up with chracters for Dell and her friends. Because of Dells hair, she dosent really look like the chracter I had in mind for her. I know this can be fixed with a wig or rerooting, but right now im starting to dislike her hair and feel like she dosent have any personality.  
I have a story and an Idea for the characters, and I really dont want to trash it. I have thought that maybe I could get other dolls, to shell out these chracters. I really like the thought of having dolls with many joints, as these chracters. But its verry hard to find the right dolls, often its the face, the cloths or the prize i dont like. Maybe im making it harder for myself, what I want is verry specific and has to be just right to fit my story. When I get frustrated because I cant find the right doll, then its easy to go back to the hearts for hearts girls because with them I allready know who is going to be who and what changes I would make to their appearance for them to be right.  

In the end I feel like I have to make a decision, either sell her or buy her a friend and some clothes.
I really dont feel like selling her, because I have never ever tryed selling annything online and im afraid I will just mess it up if I try. But when she is here, I feel like I have to fix my "relationship" with her. 
I think one of the reasons I feeel like I have to make a decision right now is because im afraid that the hearts for hearts girls will become discontinued and even harder to find. I really shouldent think like this, its not healthy for me to feel like I should hurry. 

I feel so guilty about this, I feel like I think way too much about it and that im being a hypocrite.
It would be best for me if I could just let her sit on a shelf, and not feel obligated to decide what to do with her. 

I just dont think I can