lørdag den 30. juli 2016

Emilys face

My doll Emily, is an "its my nature" Sophie. I like her, But I allways felt like the makeup was wrong for Emily.

Emily is a girl who pefer pastels, and cold colors such as blue and purple. therefore I didnt think the orange lipstic and yellow eyeshadow really suited her. I though that I could repaint her lips, but there is sno way that I can repaint her eye makeup without ruining her eyelashes. So I decided to look for a Sophie with less eyeshadow.

My pick was "schools out" Sophie. She looked promissing, and I wanted her outfita s well. 

Hannah looks gret in Sophies outfit. And the shoes went to Rose, who really needed a pair of nice pink flats. 

"Its my nature" left and "schools out" right

I compared "its my nature" Sophie and "schools out" Sophies faces, and they turned out to be quite different. I was right that School, dont have that much eyeshadow. But her eyelashes is darker, and it looks like she is wearing more eyeliner + she does have some dark eyeshadow right around her eyes. School allso have darker eyebrows than nature, they are actually a complete different color. 
School has a lighter skintone than nature, which suprised me. I had noticed that my Hyadens, have lighter skintones than my Sophies and Katies. But I didnt expect two sophies to have different skin tones. The lighter skintone makes Schools blush stand out more, so it looks like she is vering quite a bit more than Nature. 

I dressed up "Schools out Sophie" in Emilys clothe and wig. to see if it would work. At first I thought it looked fine, but in the end she didnt really look like Emily to me. I pefer Emily with lighter eyebrows, the blush is too much and her eyemakeup seemed to be too dark. 
I might have been able to fix some of these things, but I really didnt feel like fixing it all. So I was back to square one with Emilys face. 

An old picture of Emily with blue eyeshadow and bright pink lips.
First I tryed to figure out, if any other Sophie doll had a better suited face. I didnt find many helpfull pictures, and  from what I saw, most Sophies have makeup that wouldent work. First wave Sophie might work thought, but she has those intense bright blue eyes. 
Then I tryed to figure out if one of my other dolls might actually work. Its my nature Hayden has a sweet face with mild makeup, but she allso have darker eyebrows. And my only other Sophie has a blue eyeshadow that I cant stand. 
So in the end I decided to repaint those orange lips and atleast try to remove the yellow eyeshadow.

I removed the lipstick with nailpolish remover, and I removed some of her yellow eyeshadow as well. My goal was to paint her lips in a color, that looked natural. 
I mixed some red and white paint, undtil it was a nice light pink color. Then I mixed in some yellow, and I ended up with this verry light kinda peachy color. I sealed it with matt varnish. 

This color is a bit too light to look natural, but I think it suits her. I hope I can leave it at that, I kinda wanna give it another try and and mix a more natural looking color. But I allso feel like that would be exhasuting and I dont think I would be more pleased with that result. 
Its hard to see in this picture, but in real life it actually does look like I removed most of her yellow eye shadow.

So hopefully Emily is done now. 
I love how customizable Liv dolls are. But sometimes it gets  exhasting to work on, making the dolls look just right. *glaring at the dolls who needs new wigs*
This is why I dont want to collect BJDs. I have my cats, but besides that I think it sounds exhasting to build the doll from scratch. 
And this is why I actually really enjoy, that my Barbies and Paola Reinas arent as customizable. With my Livs I try to make the doll fit the character, but with the others, I make the character fit the doll.

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