Part two of my general review of barbie fashion packs.
Part one is here
Lets take a look at the first fashion pack that I bought
Yep thats the one - I think this set is called picnic at the park, or something like that.
When I decided to buy this fashion pack, I was thinking about my liv doll Rose. The romantic and summery dresses, is just her style. It allso looked like both dresees, was a decent lenght. I didnt care for the mini skirt ans shirt. I thought the shirt looked weird, and the mini skirt looked way too short and tight.
I really like this dress. It goes to a little above the knees which I think is nice. The bodice is made of blue fabric, that looks a little like denim but it dosent feel like it. The skirt has a cute plaid print with flowers, that makes me think of a pinic blanket. The skirt, is verry loose around. the legs which I like. The material of the skirt, feels kinda thin.
On the back of the dress the skirt have the same pattern which Im verry happy about.
It closes up in the back, with welcro.
The only thing I dont like about this dress is that it looks weird when my doll is sitting down wearing it
Kinda looks like she is wearing a bag
This dress looks verry elegant, and it has a nice lenght. I really like the romantic rose pattern. The dress is a little tight around the legs, but it dosent bother me too much.
A closeup of the lovely print
The dress sadly dosent, have print on the back. I wonder why the ruffels, have print all around - but the rest of the dress dosent.
I dont like the overall look of this outfit, personally I would call it slutty - I dont want my dolls (who are suppose to portray teenage girls) to look slutty.
The skirt is actually, kinda cute. I like the white flowery pattern on it, and the pink hem. I think the material is suppose to look like Denim, but it certainlly dosent feel like it - it feels thin and cheap. The skirt dosent fit too well on my doll, it tends to slide up which I find verry annoying. There isint annything in the skirt, that is holding it in place. I havent really used this skirt verry much, and I dont think I ever will.
The skirt is plain on the back, which I think looks okay - as it could look like the pattern, is only suppose to be on the front. But it would look nicer, if the pattern went all around. The pink hem, is allso on the back. The skirt closes up all the way down, with welcro.
The top is actually verry cute. I like the plaid pattern and the cute ruffels. Im not sure about the plastic strawberries - I think that they dont really fit in, but I allso think the top would be a little plain without it.
Lets take a look at the accessories
I do not like these. I cant totally explain why, but I think they are just too frilly and girly for my taste - I know I dont like the big bow in the middle of the shoe.
I like these shoes better but I still think they are a little too girly for my taste.
I like this handbag verry much, the molded detaild is awsome and its verry cute.
On top of it, it is plan and I feel like something is missing. This puts me off, and makes this bag less apealing to me.
Im verry happy about this outfit packs, and my doll Rose allmost only wear these dresses. I allso use the shirt verry much. The only piece of clothing I dont use verry often, Is the mini skirt.
I hope to buy more fashion packs, that I will be just as happy about.
lets take a look at the second fashion pack that I bought
This is the next outfit pack that I chose.
I chose this one because, I was drawn to the warm colors and interresting patterns. Im was verry uncertain about chosing this one, because the clothes having the warm colors and interresting patterns are too short for me. I thought it was nice, that this outfit came with a pair of pants and I decided to give it a chance.
I really like the creative pattern on this dress, but I wish is werent so tight. If it werent tight, it probably wouldent bother me that its a little too short.
This at the necklin,e is something I find verry weird looking. It looks worst when wearing the orange, necklace that came with the set.
This dress is plain and cream colored on the back, which was a big dissapointment for me since I wanted this dress for its warn colors and pattern.
The dress is a little bulky, under the welcro closure which is annoying.
I would really like this, if it was just a little bit longer. I really like the pattern, the colors and the neckline with the one strop. Everytime I putted this on my doll, it looked like she was trying to be sexy and that was not my inttend at all. It dont have to be knee lenght, just not underpants lenght.
On the back its plain, except for the strop - whats up with that?
This outfit looks plain, and when I bought the fashion pack it was just a bonus that the pants were there.
The pants have an elastic waist, which is practical but looks a little silly. The fabric feels verry thin, and the pants are bulky around the dolls hips. I personally think they look best, under a long shirt where you cant see the elastic waist - or how bulky they are around the hips.
The shirt looks plain, but there is glitter on it, and I like the blue edge. I allso like how the strops are suppose to cross, before closing in the back with a piece of welcro - I like how that looks.
On the back, there is no glitter on the shirt. which I think is fine because I didnt need the glitter in the first place.
Lets take a look at the accessories
I think this cup is cerry nice to have in this set, and I like how simple yet cute that it is. BUT my dolls cant hold it verry well, the handle aparently isint made so dolls can hold the cup. If my doll hold the cup, with both hands then its fine. But she can not, hold the cup by the handle. Thats a shame, because I really like this cup.
This bag looks kinda weird, but it do look like it fit in with the theme of the set. Because of the heartshaped handle, this item is allsi difficult for my dolls to hold.
These shoes fit in well, with the rest of the set. They arent completley in my taste, but I dont find them ugly either. I do like the hearts on them.
I dont like these orange plateau shoes. I think it would have been nice, if they were in a warmer orange color.
I like the style of this necklace. It has some nice molded details but I wish it allso had some painted details - like if the feather was painted another color. It looks pretty stiff on my dolls, but I dont think that could be prevented.
I was Disapointed by this fashion pack. I have barely used the clothes that I bought it for, and I got a feeling that im not going to use it more.
The clothes I use the most from this fashion pack, is what I thought to be a plain bonus outfit. I dont regret buying it, but I do feel it was a waste of money.
Now the turn has come to my third fashion pack
I chose this date night fashion pack, because I thought it looked nice together. I liked how elegant the barbie dress look and how the ken outfit look formal without being too formal. I liked the idea, of having something formal for my dolls to wear.
I like the silver and purple colors, I like the flower pattern and I like how elegant this dress looks. But the dress is not, fully linned. The other barbie clothes isint fully linned either, but with this dress Its actually a problem. Because of the style of the dress, at the buttom you can see the seams and whatnot. It kinda make it looks like the dress, isint really finished. Its a shame because the dress looks so elegant, until you see the seams and then it looks a bit slobby. I think it would have been nice, if the dress had the same lenght all the way around so this wouldent be an issue.
Allso the colors of the dress, looks more blue in the promo picture than they actually are.
The nice print is allso on the back, which im verry happy about. But then there is the issue of the bow.
Its verry stiff and verry hard to tie, it often ends up crooked. It lookes verry akward and weird, when my doll is verry this dress and a crooked bow is peeking out under her hair. I wish it was fastend with a little square piece of welcro, instead of this stiff bow. Im thinking about cutting it off, because it looks like the dress can hold itselvf up when the bow isint tied.
I think this outfit looks verry nice, formal but not over the top formal. BUT Something is missing here, the shirt originally had a lavender tie that I cut off because I didnt think it matched the rest of the outfit verry well.
This is the picture I took, right before I cutted off the tie. I thought the color looked too girly, for the rest of the outfit. I allso thought it looked really weird, against the blue shirt. Im pretty sure the tie is this color, to match the lavender Barbie dress. Who say im allways going to use the ken outfit, with the barbie outfit. Allso isint it kinda stupid, wearing a tie that dont match your own outfit but only goes well with your dates outfit. Okay so I get that Ken and Barbie do this but, my dolls are Ken and Barbie and even if I had barbie dolls they wouldent be Ken and Barbie. I think its logic, that I should be able to use the outfit in any fashion pack seperate. I think it would have been nice, if this tie was white instead.

I think the shirt looks better without the Tie, so im happy I cut it off. I realæy like the grey vest with its fale silver buttom and I think it looks verry nice against the blue shirt. The vest is sewn to the shirt. I think its nice that the shirt have white dops, then it dont look too plain but its still simple.
The pants are high waist, and they fit well. The checkered pattern isint in my taste, but it do look good with the shirt. Unfortunately I cant see myselvf useing these pants with annything else but the shirt - Thats a big minus for me.
The vest goes all the way around, so does the pattern on the shirt and the pants. The outfit looks good from the back, im verry happy about that.
The outfits dont go as well together, as in the promo picture. Its a shame that they dont looks that good together. If the dress was just a tiny bit more blue, I think it would look great. I decided that im not going to use them together.
Then there is the accessories
The belt is made to sit nicely under the bust. It has nice molded details, and there is glitter on it. I really like how nicely the belt match the dress. The belt can allso look good with other dresses if they have any silver or grey in them.
The purse is petty "meh" for me. It has many molded details, yet I dont find it interresting at all. The dimond shape on top of it, is something i find weird looking - but the handle looks verry nice.
The flowers is offcors molded to look like roses. The lavender color goes verry well with the dress, but I have never seen any roses in that color. I think the molded bow and "string" should be another color than the stems. Something is actually missing, from here as well. These flower original had a handle, I thought that looked verry stupid so I cut it off.
Here is an old picture of one of my dolls, holding the flowers by its handle. I realize that handle is there so dolls can hold the flowers, but I wonder if there could have been another solution. I knew I werent going to use the flowers, as a bouquet being giving to a girl. I rather wanted to display them as a bouquet of flowers in a vase. Cutting off the handle left some marks from where it used to be, but that was not a problem for me. I then set out to find the right vase.
I find the barbie shoes to be simple and elegant which I think goes verry well with the dress. The heel on one of the shoes, seem to be shorter than it should be - alot of the barbie shoes actually had this problem.
Sorry about the bad picture. The shoes match the outfit verry well, but I think they are a little plain. They do have some nice molded details, and maybe its good that they arent over the top.
Im happy about this set, it seems to be better quality than nost of my fashion packs. But the few flawes this set have bothers me alot. What bothers me the most, is the dress not being linned or the same lenght all the way around. Im not sure how much im gonna use it, since its formal wear. But so far I have had fun dressing my doll Lea, to look elegant in the dress. The ken outfit wont belong to Leas boyfriend so im verry happy I got rid of the tie. It most likely will belong to Leonard.
In part 3 im going to show you my Ken single outfits