A couple of weeks ago, I took some outdoor pictures of two of my Barbie dolls in the forest. I had actually not thought about taking any outdoor pictures of my dolls during fall, but as I was dressing one of my Liv dolls for the colder weather, I remembered how I had taken some very lovely fall pictures of this specific doll a few years ago. I felt like taking her outside with me and do anotehr fall photoshoot with her, but I reminded myself that I have other dolls that needs to be phtographed before her. Then I realised that my two newest Barbie dolls, that I had been wanting to take outdoor pictures of this sumemer, would actually looks quite nice against the autumn landscape.
I am pretty happy with this photo, I think Cassie looks very serene and her warm coloring looks great against the abckground with brown, orange and yellow leaves.
I was happy that she looks so nice posed on this branch, and her shirt totally match the orange/brown leves.
I don't think this photo is all that great, but I thought it would be a shame to leave it out. The idea of leaning her against a branch seemed nice, but the angle just didn't work out.
Same pose, but this angle worked much better, I think this is a great photo that captures both the beauty of the forest qand Cassie in a dynamic way.
I wanted to take some photos of Cassie with Lana, I like how they both shows some personality, with Cassie looking serene and Lana looking pretty cool and laid back.
I thought that I had posed cassies legs in a nice way, it looks like she is swinging them back and forth. I think I could have posed Lanas arms a bit better though.
Lana posing against a small trre, I think she looks like she is ready for some action, or atleast ready to climb some trees or go for a run. I think this picture shows off her beautiful face very well.

I wanted to take a pictures of Lana from behind, looking far ahead in the forest, so i could show how beautiful her hair looks from behind. But I think this photo ended up looking a bit awkward, with how Lana had to grab the small tree with her arm to not fall over. And I don't think this photo even capturet how beautiful her hair is, since it looks uneven and makes her head looks oversized.
I am more happy with this pose, Lana looks pretty relaxed and her hair farmes ehr face nicely.
I found a white flower and I really wanted to pose cassie with it, and haviong Lana in the background. It was a bit diffucult to pose their arms and hands right so it didn't look awkward, but I think it turned out pretty nice in the end.
I am very happy that I finally got some outdoor pictures of these two dolls, I think these pictures show off Lanas beauitiful face and hair very nicely, and Cassie looks great with the warm colors of Autumn.
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