søndag den 12. februar 2017

Barbie - Made to move orange top

I was not suppose to buy a new Barbie dolls last month, the plan was to buy a new Paola Reina doll. But then I saw that the made to move dolls was half off, because of the january sales. They had the pink top and the orange top, I really wanted Orange top, and I knew I would regret it if I did not get her. I did not think I would get another opportunity to buy Orange top for half off, so she came home with me, and the Paola Reina had to wait. 

I did not like how her hair looked in the box, I thought it looked like it tried to be as in the promotional pictures but failed. The way her hairis tied to the boks, does not display her curls very well. 

I liked seeing ALL the made to move dolls from the first series, on the back of her boks. The boks allso show her having big honeyblonde corkscrew curls.

Out of the box her hair felt a bit stiff, so I decided to brush it. Her curls looks verry different from the promotional pictures on the back of her box. This doll have looser curls, and it looks like the color is a bit different. I do like her curls looking like this, I just dont like that there is such a huge difference from the sales pictures, and the actual doll. 
I decided to name her Cassie, short for Cassandra. Her sport is going to be running.

She has two tones in her hair, platinum blonde, and a more honeyblonde tone. I really like how these two tones makes the hair color look more realistic, I wish more of my dolls had two toned hair. Oh and I think her curls looks great from the back. 

She has the same face sculpt as Aisha, I really like this sculpt, and the two dolls look VERY different. I like the color and shape of Cassies eyebrows, and I am glad that she does not have any eyeshadow on. But I kind of wish her lips was a warmer color, as warm colors seems to suit this doll and I dont want all of my dolls to have similiair pink lips. I would consider repainting her lips, but I am not sure what color would suit her, and I dont think I am brave enough to just try.

I tried to find Cassie something besides her training clothe to wear, but thats was not verry easy. I could only find this one dress that worked, and it is not a dress that is very suitable for everyday wear. I think warm ccolors and earthy tones will suit her, so I think the boho fashion pack for 2017 will work for her.

I didn't bond with this doll at first because I had not spend much time with her. But now that I have spend time taking pictures of her, and writing about her, I really enjoy her. At first I was not sure I would like her blonde hair with her brown skin color, but now I think it makes her really interesting.
My plan is to take a break from buying Barbie dolls for a while, not because I want to take a break from buying dolls. But because Barbie is the only dolls I have bought since may last year, and I want to leave some room to buy other dolls. 

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