onsdag den 4. januar 2017

Barbie - Made to move purple top

During November I started wanting to buy another Barbie doll, I wanted to buy the Made to moev doll in the purple top. I intended to buy her at the store where I had bought the other two dolls, because I had seen here there as well. But when I went to that store with the intentions of buying her, she was gone. i wanted to go look in a toy store an hours drive from where I live, but I have been busy with school so I did not have the energi or time for it. Then I looked for her online, at danish toy stores, but she was sold out there as well. I quess she might be popular, or maybe they didnt have many of her in stock to begind with. But in the end I did find her on the German Amazon, and my boyfriend was sweet enough to buy her for me. 

So I finally got her in mid december, and I am really excited to have her.
She is actually my first Asien doll, if I dont count the Liv doll boy that I decided is Asien. I hope to see more variety in asien dolls, like more diffrent skin tones, faces and hairstyles.

I like her even more out of the box ;) I decided to name her Aisha, and she is going to be a dancer. I think the yoga oufit looks pretty good on her, the purple top suits her.

I like her face alot. her expression is neutral enough to hold alot of different feelings, and I think she looks toughtful. I really like that her mouth is closed, and I think the lip color suits her. I actually think that color suits her better, than it suits the other Barbie doll I have with that lip color. The only thing about her face I dont really like, is that her eyebrows are a much lighter color than her hair. 

I wanted to dress her in somthing else, So I looked for a fashion pack with clothe that might suit her. I decide to buy this fashion pack, because I thought the colorfull shorts and casuel shirt would work for her. I allso really like those black leggings. I just think there shoud have been one more accesory in this pack.

I put this together with the fashion pack and I think she rocks it.

But I prefer her in the shorts and some differnt boots, because it is more colorful. I really like how the T-shirt match her lip color, and the print could show her love for music.

She looks beautiful in an elegant dress. I have tryed this dress on alot of my dolls, but I think that it will belong to her, she can wear it at her school formal dance. 

I am verry happy to have her as part of my collection. Right now she sits on my desk, so I can fully enjoy her. Im looking forward to take some outdoor pictures of her this spring or summer.

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