I allready have a schleich cat for my liv dolls, but I wanted to see if the kitties in my pocket figures worked better. So I asked my liv doll Hannah to choose between the 3 kitties (from my last post) that I had two of.
Hannah choose the spotted bengal, which was a bit of a weird choise for me, since that is the kitty I like the least. But Hannah seems to like her alot.
The two of them bonded pretty quick, Hannah adores her kitty and the Bengal seems to love the attention.
I think the kitty in my pocket cats look better with the liv dolls, that the schleich cat does. That is because the kitties have a big head and big eyes like the liv dolls, while the schleich cat looks verry realistic. The kitties allso looks better with the liv doll dog that I allready have. It is really important for me that things looks like they fit together.
I keep buying schleich animals, to be pets for my liv dolls, because I like schleich alot. But in the end it have never worked out. I dont regret buying the cat though, I have had my eye on that schleich cat for a long time and now it stands beside my schelich frog collection on my night stand. And there is allso the posibility that my Barbie dolls will want pets, I just dont know if that will fit their story.
I still didnt have a name for this sweet cat though. I asked in a doll group im in on facebook, and some one duggested to name her pipsqueak, so I might go with that. I actually started to like this cat ALOT better after Hannah adoped her, they look so cute together. And now Hannah is asking if she can get another cat.
Normally im not into blind bags, boxes, capsules and that sort of thing. I do like suprises, but I am allso verry selektive with my toys, so I dont like the prospect of getting a figure that im not interested in. And to be honest when it comes to most blind toys, they aren't that interesting by themselves.
My personal criteria for starting collecting these blind figures is:
1. that I have to be interesting in getting all the figures.
2: I don't HAVE to have all the figures - I dont wanna stress about completing a collection
3. That I have an interest in the figure when the surprise is over
4. That I like the figures so much that I dont mind doubles
And I perfer to be able to buy the blind figures in denmark, but that is not really a criteria.
I am a kat lover, and I fell in love with the recent kitty in my pocket figures, when they first came out in the USA, and I saw videoes of people opening the blind bags on youtube.
Besides Kitty in my pocket, the mini zelfs in the blind capsuels, are the only figures that I have truly wanted. Kitty in my pocket hold up to my criterias, but I decided to be patient and wait and see if they would become available in Danish toy stores. During summer and fall I checked the website for a chain of Danish toy Stores, and in November they finally had them for sale. It was not undtil december that I bought some though, because I decided to buy them in a physical store.
I bought four to start off with. There are no checklist with these, I know the puppies come with a checklist, so why the hell does the kitties not? I ended up finding a checklist online and printing it out, since I like to keep check on things. On the checklist all the cats are named, but I decided to name them myself.
Out of my first bag I got this guy, he is the white shorthair and I decided to name him Snowy. I really like how happy he looks, and he seems to be ready for adventure.
The next cat I got, was this spotted Bengal. I dont really like this cat much, she looks strange to me. I think it is the grey circkles around her eyes and her other markings that does it. And sadly I have no idea what to name her.
I was more happy about the next one I got, which was the British shorthair. He looks so cute and shy, I love that he is snuggling with a stuffed rabbit. I named him snugglebutt.
The last cat I got is this brown Bermese. I love her color and expression, she is my favorite out of the 4 I got. I decided to name her Ruby.
I really enjoy these cats alot, I even took them on cvaccation ewith me. But I actually dont really know where to put them. I got the idea of putting up some small shelfs for them, on our last bare space of wall. But I have no idea when that will be done, or if it will even work out.
Since I like these cats alot, I decided to buy 4 more yesterday.
But the fisrt two bags I opened was doubles! and I was not too pleased about that, since I really wanted new cats. And since I haven't yet figure out where to put my cats, I actually had no idea what to do with the doubles.
The third bag I opened was this fluffy furball of a Persian. Her expression is super cute! and I named her Marshmellow. But my last bag was then a double of Marshmellow, I didn't mind too much because I really like that cat, But I had hoped for more new kitties.
I really didn't take the whole double thing as well as though I would, while I still want new cats I dont like the idea of having many of the same cat if I dont know what to do with it. I do however think these cats might looks good with my liv dolls, So I am gonna try that.
During November I started wanting to buy another Barbie doll, I wanted to buy the Made to moev doll in the purple top. I intended to buy her at the store where I had bought the other two dolls, because I had seen here there as well. But when I went to that store with the intentions of buying her, she was gone. i wanted to go look in a toy store an hours drive from where I live, but I have been busy with school so I did not have the energi or time for it. Then I looked for her online, at danish toy stores, but she was sold out there as well. I quess she might be popular, or maybe they didnt have many of her in stock to begind with. But in the end I did find her on the German Amazon, and my boyfriend was sweet enough to buy her for me.
So I finally got her in mid december, and I am really excited to have her.
She is actually my first Asien doll, if I dont count the Liv doll boy that I decided is Asien. I hope to see more variety in asien dolls, like more diffrent skin tones, faces and hairstyles.
I like her even more out of the box ;) I decided to name her Aisha, and she is going to be a dancer. I think the yoga oufit looks pretty good on her, the purple top suits her.
I like her face alot. her expression is neutral enough to hold alot of different feelings, and I think she looks toughtful. I really like that her mouth is closed, and I think the lip color suits her. I actually think that color suits her better, than it suits the other Barbie doll I have with that lip color. The only thing about her face I dont really like, is that her eyebrows are a much lighter color than her hair.
I wanted to dress her in somthing else, So I looked for a fashion pack with clothe that might suit her. I decide to buy this fashion pack, because I thought the colorfull shorts and casuel shirt would work for her. I allso really like those black leggings. I just think there shoud have been one more accesory in this pack.
I put this together with the fashion pack and I think she rocks it.
But I prefer her in the shorts and some differnt boots, because it is more colorful. I really like how the T-shirt match her lip color, and the print could show her love for music.
She looks beautiful in an elegant dress. I have tryed this dress on alot of my dolls, but I think that it will belong to her, she can wear it at her school formal dance.
I am verry happy to have her as part of my collection. Right now she sits on my desk, so I can fully enjoy her. Im looking forward to take some outdoor pictures of her this spring or summer.
2016 brought me alot of doll excitment.

I bought my first collector doll, who is a Tonner doll. This was a pretty big deal for me. as I do not have much room (to display properly) or money for such dolls.
But as I really wanted this guy (the deja vu viking) I allowed myself to open up for the possibility of having collectors dolls.
In 2017 I plan to buy another Tonner Deja vu doll, to keep my guy company.
In 2016 I started to collect barbie dolls, because I fell in love with the new made to move dolls. I am really happy about these dolls, and it is allways exciting to start a new collection.
I had kind of wanted to collect Barbie dolls, but I did not really like any of the dolls that were out at the time. The Made to move dolls are excatly what I hoped for.
Currently I have 3 of the dolls on my Wishlist, and my plan is to buy Orange top next.
In 2016 I finished a room for my Paola Reina dolls, and I am really happy aboput that. I hope to finish more doll rooms next year, but it is a slow progress for me so it might not happend.
I plan on buying a new bookcase, so I can move some things around. It is just a small bookcae, but I plan on putting my liv doll wigs on there, my awsome Lego car and my Hujoo cats. This will clear some space for doll rooms on the big shelfs.
In 2016 I bought 7 dolls. I bought two hujoo cats, one liv doll, tree Barbie dolls and that one Tonner doll. It was in my plans, to buy a Paola Reina doll this fall. But I did not feel like it, as I felt like it was an exhausting thing to do, and I was more excited for the Barbie dolls.
But I still want that Paola Reina doll, and my Barbie cravings are under control now, because I got one in december. Therefore the first doll I am going to buy in 2017 is a Paola reina doll, more specific it is gonna be a Liu one.
I allso hope to buy yet another liv doll in 2017. Since 2015 I really slowed down when it comes to buying liv dolls, but that is because I got the dolls I need to bring my characters to life. There are still a few dolls I want, but I am in no hurry to get them. If I just get one Liv doll in 2017, then I will be happy.
And there is that Tonner doll I want, I am eying the Deja vu Lady Arabella dolls, and I hope to buy one with birthday money in March or April. Offcors I plan to buy the 3 Barbie dolls on my wishlist, I have even seen orange top in a Danish store.
So yeah that is 6 dolls I plan to buy in 2017, but it might end up being more. I am excited to see what else will happend, maybe I will even start a new collection ;)