I went to the store where I bought her, just to look around a little. To my surprice I saw that they now had outfits and shoes. They had a few I thought were cute, and I choose this pink summer otfit.
I really liked the blouse, the headband and the bag. The skirt is difficult for her to sit in, but it looks good with the blouse. I allso bought a pair of shoes to match, I think they are verry cute.
At the store they had a beautiful doll, that I liked since I first saw pictures of her online. She was a Nora with long black hair in a pink summer dress. But at first I was a bit comfused, since the doll in the pictures online had short bangs, but the doll in the store didnt. After looking alot at her online, I decided that I liked her better without bangs.
But the new Nora dolls for 2015 had a new head mould. I thought that I might pefer to have a Nora, that looked more unique from the other girls. But as I kept looking at pictures of her, I werent sure that I really liked the new headmould.
I decided that I would go the store and buy a doll, maybe the Nora but maybe anothe one. When I was in the store and held Nora in my arms, there was no doubht that she was coming home with me.
I think her dress is verry cute and her coloring is beautiful.
It bothered me that I didnt have annywhere to hang the extra clothes they had - exspecially because I was planning to buy them some more. I asked my boyfriend if he would make them a clothes rack, and he said yes.
My boyfriend measured my dolls, their clothes and made a work drawing. I was verry exited when we went out to buy materials. We dont have our own place to do this kind of project, but we visited some friends and borrowed their shed where they have a worktable and tools.
The end result where this beauty, I love it!!. My boyfriend points out all the flaws, but im really happy with it, and it looks so good with my dolls and their clothes.
So offcors I went out to buy them some new clothes. I came home with this cute and simple set, I didnt buy new shoes because I thought the black flats matched nicely. The only thing is that I kinda wish, this set had come with pants instead of those pink stockings.
Since we where allready out, I decided to buy some jewelry drawers from the hobbyy shop.
They were plain white so I painted them green and puple. I put underwear and headbands in the drawers, and there is room for much more.
There shelf sure seems more homely now that they got some funiture.
I hope to buy another Paola Reina doll soon.
These dolls are so beautiful. It was nice of your boyfriend to make something to hang their clothes on. These dolls remind me of the Hearts for Hearts dolls.
SvarSletYes they are wonderfull dolls, im verry happy I found them. They remind me of the Hearts for Hearts girls as well, they can actually share clothes.