søndag den 1. marts 2015

Hujoo Freya

I got these two dolls a couple of weeks ago, and I was verry exited. Having a ball jointed elastic strung doll is definitely new and exiting for me. 
Im uselly not into the asian ball jointed dolls - I often dont like the style, and there are alot of things I dont understand about them. 
These dolls however, are different to me. I fell in love with them when I first saw them on the blog called Conffesions of  a doll collectors daughter. Cats are one of my favorite animals, And i thought these dolls looked super cute. I did find it weird that they are sold blank, without eyes and clothes - but I thought it would be a nice challange to paint them myself and find the right eyes. I really liked these dolls, And I was plesant surpriced to discover that they were affordable. But I knew I couldent buy them annytimne soon, since I was focusing on liv dolls, and I didnt have an idea for these cats. 
They came out with a male version and a kitty version, which gave me the idea to have a cat family living in a doll house. I decided that I would not consider buying them, before I knew exatly which once I wanted, how I wanted them to look and what their names should be. I came up with ideas for 6 cats, 3 adults and 3 kittens. I wanted to buy them last year, but it was not in the buget since I was saving up for a car. So one of the first thing I did this year, was to finally buy them. They are sold on a website called The Junky spot. I wanted to buy the white Freya to be the mother, but she was unfortunately sold out. So I bought the light grey Freyr to be the dad, and a white nano Freya to be a female kitten. I named the dad Tapsy, and I named the kitten Schoko. 
They came with tails and magnets I can glue on, but I dont plan on doing that before I have painted them. They dont have eyes yet, but I still find them quite cute and it dosent bother me. I do know what eyes I wanna get them, its gonna be these cat eyes from Ersa Flora
They pose verry well, and I have enjoyed playing with them allmost every day. 
I tryed some of my ken doll clothes on Tapsy, but it hangs loose on him. My liv doll clothes fit him a big better, but he is genrally shorter.

Im really looking forwad to adding to the family, I hope the white Freya will be back in stock soon. 

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