onsdag den 31. december 2014


For several month now, I have felt kinda stuck when it comes to my dolls.

My doll buget hasent been verry big this year. Its mostley because my boyfriend and I, have bought some bigger things for ourselves this year - such as a new closet and a new tv. We allso decided to buy a car, so I decided not to buy toys for while. 
And I have been obsssed with Zelf, so some of my doll money where spend on that. 
But there are still Liv dolls I wanna buy, I need more clothes for them, I really lack shoes for the girls, and I would like some new wigs. Im a little worried that im gonna buy the wrong wigs, I really wish that I could go out and see them for myself in the stores. 
I would like to customize more of my dolls, but then I need to buy eyes and maybe hair for rerooting. And im sutch a noob when it comes to customizing dolls, im really nevous that im gonna fuck up (which I have allready done a couple of times). I know I have to try and take chances to learn, but as I dont have a job I really dont like buying the wrong things or ruin a doll.
And I feel like some of my dolls arent quite right, because they dont look like I want them to.
So I feel stuck because there are all these things I wanna do, to make them look right, but I dont have the money or curage to do it at the moment.

I did change the eyes of two of my dolls, and I was happy with it even through they were kind wonky. Then I finally decided to allso change the eyes of my first doll, first wave Katie - I wanted her to have Haydens more natural green eyes. But unfortunately I scratched her makeup, and I couldent get one of her eyes to sit right. I became quite frustrated and worried that I cant fix it, so now she is just laying headless and naked on her bed. It dosent help my frustration that Im un happy with her wig, and to my knowledge first wave Katies wig, is the only liv wig in that colour.

Im allso not quite happy with part of my doll collection, because I now have 3 different dolls that are 14 inches and have child proportions. Im not really happy about that as I pefer to have many of the same kind of doll, instead of a manny different kind of dolls. 
I was verry obsssed with the Hearts for Hearts girls, and I was super happy when I finally got Dell. But She has not felt quite right for me, I think its a combination of her not sitting up so well, and not looking like the chracter I wanted her to be. The Hearts for Hearts gils allso seem hard to find at a good price, so I decided that I wouldent collect them. I kinda wanna sell Dell, but I allso think that I will regret it - I still find the dolls to be verry beautiful, and maybe one day in the future I want more of them. 
Im still verry happy about my Paola reina dolls, and I decided that those are the 14 inch dolls I wanna collect.
The newest doll was one my mother in law wanted to give me, it was her verry beloved childhood doll. I didnt really want the doll to have her, but I did wanna clean her up. Unfortunately I have no idea how to tell my mother in law, that I dont really want to keep the doll. It does bother me a litlle to have a doll I dont really want, but hopefully I can get over it.

Maybe next year I will feel less stuck. I got my own sewing mashine for christmas, and im planning on finally buying some dolls, I have been wanting for quite some time now. My boyfriend and I have allso been talking about, starting to build a dollhouse together. Im exited!

I hope you had a great holiday a will have a happy new year.

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