I thought about starting off with Dell, but im not really done processing her yet. So im atsrting off 2with first wave Daniela
I choose her for several resons,- I needed another tan skinned liv doll, I needed another pairn of sneakers, I really wanted her black leggins and I could see myself useing her shirt, skarf and jacket.
She is verry beautiful, I really like her well put together outfit. Through I must admit, I dont like her skirt verry much - my boyfriend said it looks like a lampshade.
I allso dont get why her purse and brush, are that weird shade of pink. I know the same color is in her scarf and on her sneakers, but besides that I really dont think that color match her outfit. I think a blue or black purse, would match better.
Im really not a fan of that shade of pink, but i do like the scarf alot.
Her face is verry pretty, I really like her natural makeup. Her eyes are sutch a pretty shade of brown, but she is not going to keep them ;)
I originally thought that I would be pretty "meh" about her wig, because I allready have a Daniela wig. But I was wrong, I love how long this wig is, and it looks good that some of the hair is pulled away from her face. I kinda felt like this wig, made the wig I allredy had look stupid.
But her second wig looks weird on her, it lokks and feeels like it dosent sit on her head verry well - I cant figure out why. Besides that, I like the style - I really like shorter hair on girls.
I like th purple streaks in the hair, but I think it would have looked really good if there were more.
When I get a new liv doll she dosent stay in her original outfit and wig verry long. after I took pictures of Daniela I started handing out her stuff, to the girls it would fit.
Hannah got the black tights, and the sneakers. She likes vearing short skirts, and I thought a nice pair of tights would help her look a bit more modest. She allso really needed a pair of shoes that is not boots. But I must asmit the sneakers stand more out than I thought, they are just so verry white. I think it might looks better if she was wearing a shirt with some white in it, or else I might have to get her some black sneakers instead.
Allso I know her orange lip color dosent match her outfit at all, but im gonna fix that later.
Rebecca got the shirt and the wig. I dint think she needed a new wig, but after seeing the wig this Danilea came with I knew Rebecca should have it. The shirt seems to fit her style just right
The rest of the stuff dont really have a perment owner, but im sure the jacket and scarf will find one.
Before and after |
Nia "got the body" I know it dosent look like it makes much of a difference, but to me it makes a big difference. Its my nature Daniela, has a loose arm and dark marks on her body and face. First wave Daniela allso have makeup I feel like fit Nia nicely, im going to try and give her Alexis hazel eyes.
Shina gets "Nias old body" now she finally have tan skin. I know it dosent seem fair, that Shina get a body with marks on it and loose limbs. But its just temporary - Im still thinking about which Daniela I want next, maybe the one with the dog. Im just glad Shina finally have the right skin color, instead of being so pale.