Number 1 on my list is heart for heart girls
With their cute faces, beautiful hair and detailed clothes these girls stole my heart. I really like how they are from different countries and wearing, what a little girl from that country would wear.
I really like Dell, Zelia, Shola and Tipi. I like Mosi too but in the pictures I have seen of her, her bags looks verry bad. I feel like I wouldent really be happy about her, with her bangs looking like that - so she is not on my wishlist. I allso have a soft spot for Lillian, but I will only put her on my wishlist if I get the others.
I allready have clear ideas, for what characters I wanna make Dell and Zelia into and I allmost have their new names.
But they are not sold in Denmark so I cant just go to toys r us and pick these girls up. Maybe a good chat friend from USA, will get some of them for me - Or I will have to wait a couple of years (Liv dolls first)
There are 3 ball jointed dolls that I want. I didnt think, that I would ever want a ball jointed doll. There are 4 reasons for that 1: they are exspencive 2: To me it seems verry inconvenient that you have to buy most of the pieces for the doll seperate 3: I dont like the anime look they often have 4: they of course arent sold in Denmark. But there are one bjd that have stolen my heart, and that is Hujoo Freya.
I found out about Freya, from the blog Confession of a doll collecktors daughter. I like everything about her. I love cats, and I think its awsome that she isint verry expensive. I like that barbie clothes fit her, so finding her clothes wont be a problem. She allso dont need a wig, so the only extra thing I have to find is eyes. I like that she dosent come with faceup, that gives me a great opportunity to be creative and trying something new. Im verry happy that she have a male companion called Freyr, and that there allso is a little one called Nano Freya. What I find funny is that we have the same name, in Danish Freya and Freja is pronounced the same way. Freya, Freyr and Nano Freya, only comes in White and light grey - I kinda wish thet came in more colors, but im allso glad she comes in atleast two different colors. I allready have an idea of buying a white Freyr, and making him look like my cat who is white with black spots. He lives with my parents where he is happy and free, but I still think of him as my cat. They can be purchased on, and as far as I know they ship international.

When I first heard of Mattels new doll line called ever after high, I didnt know what to think. When I saw pictures of the first ever after high guy Hunter, I totally feel in love with his outfit.
I agreed with myself that if ever after high doll came to Denmark, I would pick up the Hunter Huntsman and Ashlynn Ella two pack. But the dolls never came, and I was dissapointed. But if I really think about it, I dont know what I would do with these dolls. I have no ideas for new characters or stories. I just know that I adore hunters clothes, I like Ashlynns haircolor, I find Maddie Hatter interresting and I really like Cerise Hood. I wanna buy Hunters clothes online one day, but besides that I think I should pass on these dolls even through a part of me really want them. I quess I just really thought they would come to Denmark, and I like the Idea of collecktion dolls that I could buy in my local toys r us.
There are allso like the Collecktor doll Ellowyne wilde, but im not really sure I wanna add her to my collecktion. She might end up being for display only, and I dont think I would really want that. If I win the lottery im gonna get her but right now, its something I wont decide - I will wait. There allso isint a Ellowyne out right now, that im totally in love with.
So that is the few dolls besides liv dolls, that I know I want.
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