Me and my boyfriend have had a verry busy christmas, we have been traveling back and forth - from one end of the country to another. the 24 december(the day we celebrate christmas) we had dinner at my parents house, the 25 we used 4,5 hours to get to my boyfriends mom house, the 26 we had a christmas party there, the 26 we had a christmas party with more of my family and the 29 it was time to visit my boyfriends dad (and grandparents) to have our last christmas party. Today (the 30) we got home and e dont have any plans for new year's eve - now we can finally relax.
For several reasons, I didnt wish for annything this christmas.
There is not much I want (or need) besides dolls, lego belville, a car and a better apartment. I dont feel like I can ask my family to buy me dolls, that they can only buy online or lego they can only get secondhand. And I actually havent shared my newfound love for dolls (and leho) with verry manypeople. My parents and brother know about it, but im not planning to tell the rest of my family right now. I dont expect them to be understanding - they probably wouldent know what to think about it. Im verry sensitive, and im still uncertain if people would mock me for having this hobby. Im opening up about it in my own pace, and luckily I have a boyfriend who is verry supportive and allways remind me that its okay when he can see that im ashamed.
Another reason is that last year I didnt know what to wish for either, but I was thinking verry hard and actually came up with a wishlist. I didnt get annything I wished for, which was totally okay and I loved what they got me. But I allso felt like it was a wasre of time trying to come up with stuff to wish for when they wouldent buy me things on my wish list.
I allso really dont feel the need to get gifts, I rather get nothing than something im not gonna use.
This year I got some towels which I can allways use, but they are in a color I dont really like. I allso got some clothes which is really nice, but a pretty red dress I got dont fit me verry well so I will have to exchange it.
What I was most happy about getting was money - I knew exatly what to buy for them. After I bought the liv dolls with the money I got from my grandpa, I though that I hoped for more money because I would wanna buy doll clothes. My parents and my boyfriends mom gave me some money. I decided to buy two of the barbie fashion packs, because they are sold in the danish toy stores. I have mixed feelings about those fashion packs, and im generally most happy about the single fashions ken outfit that I own - but I will talk more about that in my next post. The toy stores closet to were I live uselly dont have the best selection of barbie clothes, so I uselly have to go to toys r us which take twice as long and I cant get there on the weekend with public transport. Today when my boyfriend and I was on our way home, we were going by the toystore and I said I wanted to see if they stocked up on fashion packs. I was verry surprised to see that both of the fashion packs I wanted was in the store, and I walked out of there happy.
Thats all I have to say for now
Have a great new year! (is 2013 already over?)
mandag den 30. december 2013
søndag den 22. december 2013
Matt and Leonard
So I am finally going to introduce you to my two new guy characters, they are verry different and dont have annything to do with eachother in my story. I will start by introducing you to Matt.
The reason why I created Matt now, is mostley because I found a fitting ken outfit for him at my toys r us and I allready had a wig for him (It was Nias wig undtil I got her curent one, since it look more natural red). Matts most important role in my story, is to be one of the main guys best friends. It feels a little weird creating Matt before creating his best friend, exspecially because his best friend is pretty important to my story - I have 3 Jake dolls and none of them is him. You will probably notice, that Some of the colors Matt is wearing dosent really fit that well together. Thats because I didnt like the sandals, that came with his ken clothes (made him look like a gay hippi). Therefore I gave him the only sneakers I have that he can fit, witch I think looks fine with his yellow shirt. Im satifyed with the haircut I gave his wig, but it looks too poofy so I think he looks best with a hat on. The only hat I have that he would like, is first wave katies blue beanie. I think first its my nature Haydens grey beanie would look better with Matts curent outfit - besides someone wants her hat back.
Another thing I would like to say about Matt is that he is into music, he is in a band with two of his best friends. He mainly play guitar and his style is sporty. His favorite colors are yellow and orange and he is a verry nice guy.
I hope to get him reunited with his best friend soon but I havent seen any ken clothes that would be his style, and im not sure what do about his wig.
Leonard is the guy, that I had ordered a wig for. I ordered him a short black wig, because I thought it would be easier that cutting a girl wig to look like a guy wig. Sadly the wig was too small, so I had to go with plan B. The only black liv doll wig I had that I could use, was my extra its my nature Daniela wig. As I allready had two of these wigs, (one of them was bought second hand in a lot) I decided to go for it. The haircut isint perfect, but as Leonard is suppose to look like a nerd I think it will work out okay for now. I hope I will get better at cutting wigs, and maybe I can get Leonard a wig that works a little better one day. Leonard is a verry smart guy, who loves math and science. He is friends with Lea and Hannah, they are in the same class. He tend to be socially akward, he is only friends with Lea and Hannah because he can connect with them on an intellectual level. He likes superheroes, comic, video games and sci fi. Nia has a big crush on him, but no one knows about it. I imagne Leonards heritage to be Asian, but I havent decided which country his family is from.
While John was welcoming the new guys, he clicked with Matt and they might become friends (in my story they dont know eachother but they can be friends on my shelf). Both Matt and John, dont know what to think about leonard.
fredag den 20. december 2013
My new liv doll Jakes arrived, and I picked them up yesterday. I allso ordered a wig for one of them since I like to cut Jakes hair, and put a wig on him so he dont look like Jake annymore. When I get that wig, I will introduce you to the two character these new dolls are gonna be.
I allso wanted to note that this is technical a christmas gift from my grandpa, since he gave me the money and told me to buy something for myselvf for christmas.
I would like to say that these guys are my second and third Jake, but thats actually not true. Im verry embarrassed about this, but im gonna tell you guys annyways. I kinda destroyed my second liv doll jake, his face and hands are verry discolored. I wanted his hair to be black instead of brown, I decided to experiment and color his hair with a perment marker. I tryed being carefull, but I did hit his face with the marker. I tryed removing it with nailpolish remover ,but he kept looking black in the face so I kept trying to remove it. Before I knew it his face and hands were all discolored and I had messed up big time. This is allso the reason ,why my its my nature Daniela has discolored hands - she was his girlfriend. My boyfried keep telling me its okay, and It is kinda nice to have a Jake I can experiment on without being afraid i will destroy him (im thinking eye swap and reroot sometime in the future). But I still feel guilty, stupid and embarrassed. I hope these two new guys, can help me move on.
I allso wanted to talk about, what I generally think about liv doll Jake.
Im verry happy that he exist because without him I couldent make my male characters come to life, and my story wouldent really work without them. I think its awsome that he have the same articulation as the girls, and the same glass looking eyes.
I do wish that Jake had friends, or that he atleast came with sandals. I mostley wish that he had a friend, with a darker skin tone because I have two male characters with dark skin that cant come to life.
torsdag den 19. december 2013
Dolls I want
This post is gonna be about dolls, (besides liv dolls) that I want to get one day. There arent many dolls that im 100 % sure I want, since im verry picky. Something that is verry important to me, is that I can create a world around the dolls - I wanna create characters and Stories. Therefore I avoid dolls, that I can only see being the character the manufacturer made them to be. Therefore I allso avoid dolls, that I can only see myselvf getting one or two of.
Number 1 on my list is heart for heart girls
With their cute faces, beautiful hair and detailed clothes these girls stole my heart. I really like how they are from different countries and wearing, what a little girl from that country would wear.
I really like Dell, Zelia, Shola and Tipi. I like Mosi too but in the pictures I have seen of her, her bags looks verry bad. I feel like I wouldent really be happy about her, with her bangs looking like that - so she is not on my wishlist. I allso have a soft spot for Lillian, but I will only put her on my wishlist if I get the others.
I allready have clear ideas, for what characters I wanna make Dell and Zelia into and I allmost have their new names.
But they are not sold in Denmark so I cant just go to toys r us and pick these girls up. Maybe a good chat friend from USA, will get some of them for me - Or I will have to wait a couple of years (Liv dolls first)
There are 3 ball jointed dolls that I want. I didnt think, that I would ever want a ball jointed doll. There are 4 reasons for that 1: they are exspencive 2: To me it seems verry inconvenient that you have to buy most of the pieces for the doll seperate 3: I dont like the anime look they often have 4: they of course arent sold in Denmark. But there are one bjd that have stolen my heart, and that is Hujoo Freya.
My exception, is disney 12 inch Pocahontas. I allready have a story in mind for her, I dont think she is going to be Pocahontas but another Native american character. Im waiting to buy her, until disney get their dolls some nice knee and ankel joints (Yes im counting on that). I want a Mulan doll too, but I dislike the curent doll and I really hope they improve her face. Maybe I want Jasmin too and Aurora is quite beautiful, I do love Meridas hair and I really shouldent think too much about which princesses to get or I will end up wanting them all. Annyway there actually is a disney store in Denmark, so getting her wont be impossible yey!
When I first heard of Mattels new doll line called ever after high, I didnt know what to think. When I saw pictures of the first ever after high guy Hunter, I totally feel in love with his outfit.
I agreed with myself that if ever after high doll came to Denmark, I would pick up the Hunter Huntsman and Ashlynn Ella two pack. But the dolls never came, and I was dissapointed. But if I really think about it, I dont know what I would do with these dolls. I have no ideas for new characters or stories. I just know that I adore hunters clothes, I like Ashlynns haircolor, I find Maddie Hatter interresting and I really like Cerise Hood. I wanna buy Hunters clothes online one day, but besides that I think I should pass on these dolls even through a part of me really want them. I quess I just really thought they would come to Denmark, and I like the Idea of collecktion dolls that I could buy in my local toys r us.
There are allso like the Collecktor doll Ellowyne wilde, but im not really sure I wanna add her to my collecktion. She might end up being for display only, and I dont think I would really want that. If I win the lottery im gonna get her but right now, its something I wont decide - I will wait. There allso isint a Ellowyne out right now, that im totally in love with.
So that is the few dolls besides liv dolls, that I know I want.
Number 1 on my list is heart for heart girls
With their cute faces, beautiful hair and detailed clothes these girls stole my heart. I really like how they are from different countries and wearing, what a little girl from that country would wear.
I really like Dell, Zelia, Shola and Tipi. I like Mosi too but in the pictures I have seen of her, her bags looks verry bad. I feel like I wouldent really be happy about her, with her bangs looking like that - so she is not on my wishlist. I allso have a soft spot for Lillian, but I will only put her on my wishlist if I get the others.
I allready have clear ideas, for what characters I wanna make Dell and Zelia into and I allmost have their new names.
But they are not sold in Denmark so I cant just go to toys r us and pick these girls up. Maybe a good chat friend from USA, will get some of them for me - Or I will have to wait a couple of years (Liv dolls first)
There are 3 ball jointed dolls that I want. I didnt think, that I would ever want a ball jointed doll. There are 4 reasons for that 1: they are exspencive 2: To me it seems verry inconvenient that you have to buy most of the pieces for the doll seperate 3: I dont like the anime look they often have 4: they of course arent sold in Denmark. But there are one bjd that have stolen my heart, and that is Hujoo Freya.
I found out about Freya, from the blog Confession of a doll collecktors daughter. I like everything about her. I love cats, and I think its awsome that she isint verry expensive. I like that barbie clothes fit her, so finding her clothes wont be a problem. She allso dont need a wig, so the only extra thing I have to find is eyes. I like that she dosent come with faceup, that gives me a great opportunity to be creative and trying something new. Im verry happy that she have a male companion called Freyr, and that there allso is a little one called Nano Freya. What I find funny is that we have the same name, in Danish Freya and Freja is pronounced the same way. Freya, Freyr and Nano Freya, only comes in White and light grey - I kinda wish thet came in more colors, but im allso glad she comes in atleast two different colors. I allready have an idea of buying a white Freyr, and making him look like my cat who is white with black spots. He lives with my parents where he is happy and free, but I still think of him as my cat. They can be purchased on, and as far as I know they ship international.

When I first heard of Mattels new doll line called ever after high, I didnt know what to think. When I saw pictures of the first ever after high guy Hunter, I totally feel in love with his outfit.
I agreed with myself that if ever after high doll came to Denmark, I would pick up the Hunter Huntsman and Ashlynn Ella two pack. But the dolls never came, and I was dissapointed. But if I really think about it, I dont know what I would do with these dolls. I have no ideas for new characters or stories. I just know that I adore hunters clothes, I like Ashlynns haircolor, I find Maddie Hatter interresting and I really like Cerise Hood. I wanna buy Hunters clothes online one day, but besides that I think I should pass on these dolls even through a part of me really want them. I quess I just really thought they would come to Denmark, and I like the Idea of collecktion dolls that I could buy in my local toys r us.
There are allso like the Collecktor doll Ellowyne wilde, but im not really sure I wanna add her to my collecktion. She might end up being for display only, and I dont think I would really want that. If I win the lottery im gonna get her but right now, its something I wont decide - I will wait. There allso isint a Ellowyne out right now, that im totally in love with.
So that is the few dolls besides liv dolls, that I know I want.
søndag den 15. december 2013
Pictures from my parents garden
I dont have my own garden, but I love taking pictures of my dolls outside. My dad is a gardner (quess who my role model is), and my parents have a beautiful garden. Yesterday I visited them, and I took the opportunity to take some pictures.
The timing seemed kinda bad, there are no warm autumn colors and no magical snow. It was a rainy, wet and gloomy day. And when I was unpacking my dolls I realized that I wanted to take a picture of Emily with her guitar but I forgot the guitar.
luckily the pictures didnt turn out, as gloomy as I thought. There are alot of evergreen plants in my parents garden, that made it seem more like it was fall or spring than winter.
I allso wanted to say that I ordered two new liv doll Jake, and I have plans for them ( muhahahahaha!! )
Thats all
The timing seemed kinda bad, there are no warm autumn colors and no magical snow. It was a rainy, wet and gloomy day. And when I was unpacking my dolls I realized that I wanted to take a picture of Emily with her guitar but I forgot the guitar.
luckily the pictures didnt turn out, as gloomy as I thought. There are alot of evergreen plants in my parents garden, that made it seem more like it was fall or spring than winter.
Rose is missing all the flower there were here this summer but Emily Tells her how wonderfull it will be when it star snowing. |
Nia think the garden is beautiful, she wish she could see it in the fall. |
She feel in love with this Euonymus, because of its striking yellow color. |
When I shoved my father this picture he was surprised, because he was pretty sure the plant was white when he bought it. I have never heard about Eunymus changing color, but maybe it is possible.
Emily loves Conifers because they remind her of snow and christmas. |
Nia found a piece of autumn inside, she loves these decorative pumpkins that my grandpa gave to my mother. |
John remembered, that this was the tree Lea loves so much. He thought she looks verry beautiful when she was posing besides it. |
John took a walk in the quarry |
He allso took a walk, in the rhododendron park. He cant wait, to see them in bloom next summer. |
Nia loved the sight of the sun going down, and she enjoyed looking at it undtil it was gone and the scenery was gloomy again. |
I allso wanted to say that I ordered two new liv doll Jake, and I have plans for them ( muhahahahaha!! )
Thats all
torsdag den 12. december 2013
When I started loving liv dolls

Annyways I allso knew it wouldent be Bratz, I like some of their clothes, but they allso have some clothes that I think are skimpy looking. The reason why I didnt choose them is mostley because I dont find their faces atrractive and I dont like that their feets are pegs. I actually considered Moxie girls for a while because I think they are cute, but they allso have the peg feets and they arent verry articulated.

I like the concept of Monster high, I think its a verry good idea. But its something, I dont feel is for me. Again the high heels and short skirts, throw me off (all girls need a good pair of pants). Another reason monster high isint for me, is because I whan dolls where i can make up characters and create stories around them. When I look at monster high dolls, I feel like they have a hard time being annyone else beside the character Mattel made them to be (unless you customize them). I allso dont really feel atracted to monsters, and the idea I had in my head was to create a story around human kids or teenagers)
Besides Mattels disney princesses and Winx club dolls (which was out of the question), these were the only fashion dolls I could find in my local stores.
As I kept searching online I came across dolls, that I had never heard about before. I rember whanting to know more about the BFC inc dolls, but their website didnt work annymore and I couldent find much information about them.
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promotional picture |
But liv I knew liv dolls were right for me, and no shipping cost would stand in my way. I whanted the first doll I bought, to come with an extra wig. Katie was my favorie, so I chose first wave katie. I found her on Amazon and bought her, I allso bought an extra wig.
When she arrived, she did not disapoint me - I loved everything about her. For a verry long time, my boyfriend had to listen to me ramble about how beautiful and awsome she was. It wasn't verry long, before Jake and first wave Alexis joined Katie in her new home.
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My first wave katie, Katie wearing her new wig (love that wig) + Katie And Jake - soon to be Lea and John. |
tirsdag den 10. december 2013
My name is Freja, and I am a 21 year old young woman who loves dolls. I live in Denmark with my beloved boyfriend. Danish is my first language, and english is my secondary language therefore I hope you will bear with my spelling and grammar errors.

Its only a little over a year ago I started colleckting (and playing) with dolls, but its something I have been longing to do ever since my childhood barbies were givin away.
When I decided I whanted to colleckt dolls, I knew the dolls I chose had to be perfect for me.
I feel in love with liv dolls because of their poseability, wigs, glass eyes and clothes.
This blog will mainly focus on dolls. I hope to add different types of dolls to my collecktion, but since I only own liv dolls I will mostley write about those. unfortunately all the dolls I whant, are not sold in Denmark. Im not a fan of paying ebay overprice and shipping, therefore I only buy liv dolls (+ clothes and wigs) online and the other dolls I like will have to wait. Atleast its good for my bank account, and it ensure that my boyfriend and I dont drown in dolls in our little apartment.
I allso started colleckting the Lego Belville, that I loved when I was a child and I will be writing a little about that as well.
If you wanna know more about me check out the "about me" page.
My name is Freja, and I am a 21 year old young woman who loves dolls. I live in Denmark with my beloved boyfriend. Danish is my first language, and english is my secondary language therefore I hope you will bear with my spelling and grammar errors.
Its only a little over a year ago I started colleckting (and playing) with dolls, but its something I have been longing to do ever since my childhood barbies were givin away.
When I decided I whanted to colleckt dolls, I knew the dolls I chose had to be perfect for me.
I feel in love with liv dolls because of their poseability, wigs, glass eyes and clothes.
This blog will mainly focus on dolls. I hope to add different types of dolls to my collecktion, but since I only own liv dolls I will mostley write about those. unfortunately all the dolls I whant, are not sold in Denmark. Im not a fan of paying ebay overprice and shipping, therefore I only buy liv dolls (+ clothes and wigs) online and the other dolls I like will have to wait. Atleast its good for my bank account, and it ensure that my boyfriend and I dont drown in dolls in our little apartment.
I allso started colleckting the Lego Belville, that I loved when I was a child and I will be writing a little about that as well.
If you wanna know more about me check out the "about me" page.
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