lørdag den 24. september 2016

By the lake

My plan was to, take alot of outdoor photos of my dolls this summer. But I didnt have that many opportunities to do it ( I dont have my own garden) and when I had the opportunity, the weather was bad or I was too tired and didnt feel like it - it has to feel right. I did get a few good once of my Liv doll Rose, by a small lake near my house. But as I kept hoping to take more pictures, I allso put off showing the once I did take.  

Im really happy with how you can see the water, in the background in this picture - I think it looks quite idyllically.

I mostley took this photo to show off her new shoes, and she seems a bit more playful here. 

I wanted to take a nice closeup photo of her

I liked how it looked, that she had the sun in her face - she seems to enjoy it

I wanted a photo of her looking at the water, and I think I did well, capturing her profile. 

I hope I will get more summer pictures of my Liv dolls next year, but im pretty happy with those that I got. 

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