I pefer playdolls, I love playing with my dolls. I really enjoy looking at collectors dolls, there are alot of them that I like. I realised that I would wanna play with them, but they are ment to sit and look pretty. I know that I would probabaly ruin them if I played with them, the way I play with my play dolls. So I have a feeling that I need to have a thick line, between my play dolls and maybe future collectors dolls. I need them to be dolls that wow me, that I wanna tressure and put on display in glass cases.
So far there haven't really been some, that totally wowed me in that way.
Undtil Tonner made this guy Halvar - I feel in love right away.
I had been looking alot at their Deja Vu line, since I like hiostorical inspired clothes, and some of the dolls I really liked . I didnt buy any of them though, because I didn't feel like I had the money, or the space to properly display them. But with Halvar its different, because I feel in my guts that I will regret it verry much if I dont buy him. He is pretty exspensive, but I decided to try and save up some money to buy him. I have no idea how long he will be for sale, but im hopefull that if I work har to save up some money, I will be able to buy him.
I know I cant display him properly right away, but I will be happy just to have him. And my boyfriend is pretty good at solving those kind of problems, so he might find a way to display the guy regardless.
My reason for loving him so much, is simply that he is a viking. Im a dane so I have viking ancestors, and I grew up with stories about the viking gods, im even names after one.
His clothes is so verry well made, with lots of great details, it even looks historical acurate - for the most part. It does bother me that he has horns on his helmet, its a shame because the helmet actually looks awsome, but pictures show that he allso looks good without it. The other thing that bothers me is that his axe, looks nothing like a battle axe. Its WAY too small, the shape dosent look right either, and I hope that I would be able to make him a better one. I actually started to think that it looks pretty funny, for him to have such a tiny axe.
Besides those two points, I really think he looks AWSOME.
If I get him, I would hope that he could have some company. I was hoping that his Female coubnterpart, would way me the same way. But I really dont like this warrior-woman. I think she looks like someone taking out of the opera, instead of someone from a viking village. Her helmet is awfull, her hair is awfull and what is up with that gold chain mail thingy? not to mention that weird cape/robe she is wearing. Her spear isint impresive either, but im not gonna fault her for that since Halvar has a bad axe. Im not too fond of her expression either, im not the biggest fan of the Deja Vu face sculp, but on some of the other dolls I think the expression looks nicer.
Okay so maybe I shouldn't be too dissapointed with her, since they are probably gonna make more female viking, and then is hope that they will make one I like.
I actually found a picture on Flickr, that is pretty much how I would want the viking woman to look.
I really hope to bring Halvar home one day, and maybe even display him nicely in a glass case.
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