onsdag den 24. februar 2016

Hujoo cat update

Fall 2015 I finally got some eyes, for my two Hujoo cats. I had a hard time getting them because the first online store I ordered them through, hadent even placed the order at the manufacturer two month after I placed the order. I didnt hear annything about this from them, undtil I contacted them myself. So I decided to cancel my order, and look for some eyes on etsy. Aparently that was the best place to look, since I found many sellers that offered cat eyes in a varity of colors and to a good price. 

 Tapsy got some yellow eyes. I know they are wonky in this picture, but I fixed that later.

Schoko got some really pretty green eyes with a bit of yellow in them. 

Then I like giving their faces a bit of color, and I think it looks really good on Schoko.

I did the same with Tapsy, and I feel like the pink color look a bit weird on him. Atleast his eyes looks better in this picture.

I tryed something different, and I think this is better.

Okay so a long time ago I decided, that I would not really buy any funiture for my dolls. The idea is that I should make it myself, or with help from my boyfriend which is verry much needed. 
But then one day when we went to Ikea, I saw this doll funiture set. The set was for a childrens bedroom, and I really liked it. I thought it would be Perfect for my hujoo kitten, so I decided to get it. To be fair the cats are last in line to get handmade funiture, so its nice for them to atleast have some. 

I think its verry nice, colorful and simple, even through it is made of plastic. the bed can be made longer, and the rug is reallyn nice. You can allso hang things in the closet. And it comes with that little dino plush, its so cute. 

Its the perfect size for my little Hujoo cat, I think she looks verry cute in the bed or on the little chair. It really adds to the shelf where i have my dolls, the funiture makes it looks so much more cosy - and that was really needed. 

In january I finally bought two more Hujoo cats

I forgot to take pictures of them right when I got them.
I bought the white Feya, whom im naming Marabou. And I bought a grey Nano Freya, im naming her salmiak. Marbou has some verry faint yellow marks on her cheek, but i decided that I will just try to paint over it.

I got them some eyes as well

Salmiak got the green/yellow eyes, that I originally bought for Schoko. It looks a bit weird in this picture, I find it hard to take good photots of them. But they do look good in real life. I have allso been painting her face, so fra im happy enought with it.

Schoko was then the one to get the new eyes, I choose some light green once for her.

Marabou got some really ppretty light green eyes, I think they suit her verry well. i need to start painting her soon, then it will look even better.

My cat family is coming together nicely. Now im only missing one member of the family, and that is a little white kitty who is gonna be the son/brother of the family. 

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