I wanted this dress because of teh beautiful flower pattern, and I like the reddish pink color (the colkor is more pinmk in real life). I thought this dress would be perfect for my liv doll Rose.
I thought thid dress looked interesting, even thought I coulden't see the siloette of it. I thought it would be a nice dress for my Barbie doll Kira.
The dress has a very nice simple yet elegant silhouette, and suits my dolls style. But the fit isin't very good, the dress is baggy even through it looks like a dress that should be tight fitting.
I used a belt to make the dress fit better, and I think it looks great. I like the brown belt more than the pink belt on the dress.
The pink/red dress looks adorable on Rose, but again, the fit is not all that great. The dress is loose around her wait, but I think I can live with that, epsecially since I have no belt that match it. The bodice of the dress is super soft and the print is very detailed, but the skirt is a littel more stiff than I like - the print is still great though.
The pattern opn the bodice does not continue all the way around to the back, the material is allso differnt, more shiny and stiff. I don't mind that the pattern is not on the back of the bodice, since it is on the skirt, but I don't like the change of material.
I know these dresses are bigger than usul because they have to be able to fit all of the barbie body types, includeing the curvy one. But this more universal fit makes it difficult for me to figure out excatly what clothes will be a good fit for my dolls. I will be especially difficult finding clothe for my liv dolls, since they are a bit thinner than the orignal barbie body is these days.