I was allso planning to get the redhead, but when I thought I might buy her, she was no longer available on any of the online toy stores.
I do hope to add more Barbie dolls to my collection next year, I still want the readhead, and one of the football players. But I don't know if that will happend, since I don't really feel like buying any new dolls lately.
This year I got my second Tonner doll. I was lucky enought to find the exclusive Lady Arabella, from the deja vu line, for sale on ebay. I had allready decided that I woulkd pair my viking guy up with one of the lady Arabella dolls, since he could look like he was from midevel times, and I never liked the two viking gals outfits. But I never imagned that I would actually get a chance to buy the exclusive version, who is the one I wanted the most, since I love her red hair in an elegant hairstyle, and her beautiful elegant green dress - she is wonderfull. She was okay priced for a doll of her standard, but shipping from USA to Denmark is allways exspensive, and then there is customs. In the end I gave quite alot of money for her, I used both my christmas and birthday money to pay for her, and I am so happy I did.
I must admit that I would love to get another Tonner doll this year, since I love the once I have so much, they are the crowning jewel of my collection. But I need to be realistic, I do not have room for a third doll right now, and the discountinued Lady arabella dolls have only gotten more rare and exspensive on ebay.
But I have actually been thinking, that I might be interessted in collecting some of the dolls from a few of Tonners new doll lines. Not so long ago I watched the series Outlander, I enjoyed it, and think I would allso enjoy the dolls. I allso enjoy the harry potter world, and think I would like atleast some of the fantastic beast dolls. None of these dolls are out yet, but yesterday I saw pictures of a claire doll. While the dress is gorgeous, I am sad to realise that I do not like the face very much. Now I am not all that hopefull that Tonner will soon make some dolls I truly love, but maybe that is for the best, since I have nowhere to put them.

I did buy a new Paola Reina this year, and I am very happy that I did. The Liu I bought looks
wonderfully cute with her pale complexion, dark eyes and dark wavy hair. I have enjoyed figuring out her personality, and I am very happy that I took some outdoor summer picture of her in my parents garden, with the other dolls.
I am unsure if I am going to buy a new Paola Reina doll next year. My plan is that the next doll I am going to get, will be one with brown eyes, and long straight brown hair, no bangs. But I can no longer find the dolls I had my eyes on annywhere, I was too slow to get her. I have kept my eyes open to see if any of the newer dolls fit my criteria, but none of them really do, so I will have to wait, undtil the right doll shows up. I quess I could get some of the other Paola Reina dolls on my wishlit while I wait, but then I think my shelfs would get crowded really fast, since these dolls takes up quite alot of space on the shelfs I have.
I am thinking about buying thgese dolls some new clothes thought, so maybe that is where I should start.
I did not buy any new Liv dolls this year, I did look, and I did find atleast one on ebay that I wanted, for a decent price - but it didn't feel right. sometimes I am unsure if I should keep buying liv dolls, since I am very content with those I have, and I don't need a new doll to create a new chracter, atleast not when it comes to the girls. I would like to spend some of my time, energi and money on stuff for the dolls I allready have, and I want to improve their charcters. But I still have some dolls on my wishlist, and they either have some great stuff, I would like to add to my dolls wadrobe, or can help improve a charcater in one way or the other. Sometimes I think I should just buy these dolls, since Liv dolls, their clothes and accessories are only getting more exspensive and harder to find new in box. But I quess this is where I get exhausted, and want to drop it. Doll collecting should not be a franatic and exspensive hunt on ebay. I don't know what I want to do.
I did however buy my dolls, two original liv doll outfits, that I have been wanting for quite a long time, and is very happy with. But the outfit shown in the picture, I never got around to talk about on the blog. I have a few other things I got for my dolls this year, a bed and a couple of chairs, that I haven't gotten around to share either, and I am not satisfied with that. Maybe my priority should be to finally blog about some of these things, before I figure out what to buy next.
While the first halft of the years was full of new dolls, I did not buy any dolls during the second half of the year. I have had a serious problem, with this whole issue about what I shoud buy next, so I allmost stopped buying new doll stuff. August and october I didn't buyy annything at all, september and november I only bought surprizamals and two small packs of Barbie accessories.
I think I lost interest in buying dolls and doll things, because I started thinking that I did not apreciate, my dolls enought, and I wanted to save some money for other things. I am sure that I should not spend money on something that I don't really apreciate. Unfornunately this idea that I don't apreciate my dolls, made me unsure how much my dolls really means to me. I do still get excited about them, and enjoy playing with them once in a while, but then the feeling goes away, and I feel like I don't care about them. I even get exited sometimes, when I start looking into buying a new doll, but then I am sure I only care about buying something new, not actually having the doll.
When I write about my dolls, or really look at them, I know I enjoy them. I am still interested in dolls, I still read dolls blogs, watch doll reviews on yutube and try to keep up with news. But these conflicting feelings makes me unsure if I should even continue collecting.