The week before my birthday we actually went to the toy store, that carries Paola Reina dolls and clothes + shoes for them. I just wanted to see what new stuff they had gotten, and I didnt have the intention to buy annythin - I didnt have enough money left in my biuget to buy annything. But offcors they had an outfit I REALLY wanted, it was one that I feel in love with when I saw it in the Paola Reina catalog. I thought it was abit exspensive, but I could see why since there was alot of pices, and there was allso shoes with it - uselly the shoes have been sold seperate. My boyfriend notice my strugle to decide wheather or not to buy it, and he sid he think I should sinec I will probably get birthday money. I could feel with ,myself that if the outfit was gone the next time I visited the store, I would regret not buying it now.
I put the outfit on Emma, an dI think she looks super cute. The outfit contains a white shirt, a dress, a blue cardigan, glasses, two red hair ties, white undies, a pair of black socks and black flat shoes - not the once she is wearing in the picture though.
I really wanted a pair glasses for my dolls, and they had a school girl outfit that came with glasses. But I didnt feel like, I would get good use of the outfit. When I saw this new school goirl oufit in the katalog, I liked it much better and I could see myself useing it alot - especially because it has so many pieces.
A few days later my boyfriend and I went to Toys R us. They had 25% off on all LEGO sets, but again I didnt intend to buy annything. They had the creator mini cooper displayed, I have had my eye on that car for a while and I really wanted it. With the 25% off, the price went fom 800 kr to 600 kr, so that was a great deal. My boyfriend suggested that he bought it, and then I could give him half later - that was another great deal.
A little while after we got home, he called his dad who said he would pay half. So it ended up being a really great gift, from my boyfriend and his dad. I feel so spoiled.
That same day I build the car with my boyfriend, it was alot of fun and we had a great time. I love building LEGO, and this car is so great with lots of awesome details.
One of the reasons why I wanted the mini copper so badly, is that I thought it might be in scale with my Belville dolls. The fit is not perfect, but its pretty decent.
I have ALOT to say about this car, so I will made a seperate post for that.
Then the mail man delivered a package, containing this doll. I had ordered her when my boyfriend told me, that his mom would give me birthday money. I had my eyes on her for a while. She was being sold at a greaty price, and from England so shipping was not too exepensive. I started to worry somebody else might buy her, so when I got the news that I would get money, I bought her right away.
I did end up getting alot of birthday money, soem of it I used to finance what I had allready bought, but some of it I havent used yet. I feel like I have bought alot of toys this month, so I wanna take a small break before I buy something new. But there are alot of things In want, and next month is right around the corner.